and locations
São Paulo (Brazil) February,
8-11, 2010.
University of São Paulo
School of Arts, Sciences
and Humanities
English, Portuguese and
International Committee
- Pan-American Network for Problem-Based Learning
Peter Bouhuijs |
University (Netherlands) |
Luis Bretel |
Ignaciano de Educación del Perú |
David Chapman |
Samford University
(USA) |
Glen O'Grady |
Polytechnic (Singapore) |
Patricia Marsteller |
University (USA) |
George Watson |
of Delaware (USA) |
Planning Committee
Maria Isabel Almeida (FE-USP)
Valéria Amorim Arantes (FE-USP)
Ulisses F. Araujo (EACH-USP)
Dante De Rose Junior (EACH-USP - Dean of School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities)
Myriam Krasilchik (Emeritus FE-USP)
Oswaldo Massambani (IAG-USP - Director USP's Innovation Agency)
Sonia Penin (FE-USP - Dean School of Education)
Ricardo Ricci Uvinha (EACH-USP)
Executive Committee
Prof. Dr. Ulisses F. Araújo (President of the Organizing Committee)
Prof. Dr. Ricardo Ricci Uvinha (Vice-President of the Organizing Committee)
Profa. Dra. Valéria Amorim Arantes
Profa. Dra. Júlia Baruque
Profa. Dra. Maria Eliza Mattosinho Bernardes
Prof. Dr. Homero Fonseca Filho
Prof. Dr. Marcelo Ventura Freire
Profa. Dra. Verônica Marcela Guridi
Profa. Ms. Ana Maria Klein
Profa. Dra. Célia Regina Maganha e Melo
Prof. Dr. Diamantino Pereira (President of the Scientific Committee)
Profa. Dra. Sarajane Marques Peres
Profa. Dra. Maristela Urasaki
Scientific Committee
Adriana Michelone
Ana Klein (Coordination – Área: Teaching Education)
Anna Cristina Barbosa
Antoni Font
Antonio Carlos Siqueira Junior
Beatriz Gutierrez
Célia Regina Maganha e Melo (Coordination – Area: Health and Medicine)
Clodis Boscarioli
Cristiano Luis Lenzi
David Chapman
Diamantino Alves Correia Pereira (President)
Dib Karam Junior
Dora Mariela Salcedo Barrientos
Douglas Santos
Edson Leite
Egon Moesby
Elie Ghanen
Elisabete Franco Cruz
Esteban Tuesta
Eunice Almeida
Evando C. Moreira
Evandro Mateus Moretto
Fernando Auil
Fernando Menezes
Gerardo Kuntschik
Guilherme Lohmann
Helena Ribeiro
Heloisa Cristina. Q. C. P. Guimarães
Homero Fonseca Filho (Coordination – Area: Engineering and Applied Sciences)
Ines Signorini
Jacqueline I. M. Brigadão
Jeferson Meneguin Ortega
Joan Rué
João Campos
Jorge Luiz Barcellos da Silva
José de Jesus Perez Alcazar
Júlia Baruque (Coordination – Area: Engineering and Applied Sciences)
Leonardo Lemos
Luís César Schiesari
Luis Roberto de Camargo Ribeiro
Manoel Oriosvaldo de Moura
Mara Sordi
Marcelo Arno Nerling
Marcelo Giordan
Marcelo Morandini
Marcelo Ventura Freire (Coordination – Area: Engineering and Applied Sciences)
Marcos Bernardino de Carvalho
Marcos da Cunha L. Virmond
Marcos Neira
Margareth Anderáos
Maria Aparecida de Jesus Belli
Maria Célia de Santi
Maria Eliza Mattosinho Bernardes (Coordination – Area: Teaching Education)
Maria Helena B. Capobianco
Maria Isabel Almeida
Maria Isabel Batista Serrão
Maria Silvia Barros de Held
Marisa Dias
Marísia Margarida Santiago Buitoni
Maristela Urasaki (Coordination – Area: Health and Medicine)
Marta Marandino
Mauricio Pietrocola P. de Oliveira
Mauro Luiz Peron
Miguel Garay
Monica Sanches Yassuda
Myriam Krasilchik
Nadia Zanon Narchi
Núria Hanglei Cacete
Osvaldo Shigueru Nakao
Patricia Junqueira Grandino
Patricia Morales
Patricia Targon Campana
Paula Vicentini
Paulo Marcondes
Paulo Rogério Miranda Correia
Paulo Santos de Almeida
Peter Bouhuys
Reginaldo Zara
Ricardo Uvinha (Coordination – Área: Social Sciences and Humanities)
Rita Gallego
Roberto A. Martins
Roselane Gonçalves
Rosely Aparecida Liguori Imbernon
Rosemeire Sartori de Albuquerque
Sarajane Peres (Coordination – Area: Engineering and Applied Sciences)
Silvia Colello
Silvia Helena Zanirato
Silvio Cesar Silva
Sônia Regina Paulino
Stewart Mennin
Thomá A. S. Haddad
Ulisses Araujo
Valeria Arantes
Valeria Vernaschi
Vanessa Martins Valente Guimarães
Vanessa Moretti
Verônica Marcela Guridi (Coordination – Area: Teaching Education)
Victoria Ramirez
Vinicio Santos
Wanderley Souza
Welington Cedro
Visual creation and implemantation of the PBL2010 Webpage
Profa. Dra. Sarajane Marques Peres
Keith Seixas de Souza
Mônica Araújo de Andrade Rafael
Jacqueline Silvana Correia da Silva
and organization
Provost of Undergraduate Studies and Provost of Culture and University
USP's Innovation Agency
School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities
School of Education
Pan-American Network for Problem-Based Learning


Preconference workshops
Guided workshop activities
will be offered to develop the teaching skills needed for the planning
and implementation of PBL and active learning methods, focusing
on environmental, health, business, leisure and social issues. An
invited facilitator will conduct each workshop. The preconference
session will be held on February 8th in the city of São Paulo and
will be delivered in Portuguese, Spanish or English. There will
be no simultaneous translation service and the registration fee
will be added to the cost of the conference.
Invited keynote speakers
will present lectures on broad issues of the conference theme, addressing
topics in PBL or active learning methods in higher or basic education.
Simultaneous translation service (Portuguese, Spanish, English)
will be offered.
Symposium presentations,
organized by 3-5 individuals who address a common theme or topic
in PBL or active learning method, for higher or basic education,
considering the specific tracks of the Conference: Health and Medicine;
Social Sciences and Humanities; Engineering and Applied Sciences;
and Teaching Education and Professional Development. There will
be simultaneous translation service in some symposia.
Conference Workshops
Conference Workshops will
be submitted proposals designed to develop the teaching skills needed
for the planning and the implementation of PBL and active learning
methods, emphasizing the demonstration and application of technique,
skills, etc. They will help to focus the specific tracks of the
Conference (Health and Medicine; Social Sciences and Humanities;
Engineering and Applied Sciences; and Teaching Education and Professional
Development) and/or address specific topics, such as PBL in resource-restricted
environments; peer-to-peer interaction; distance learning; PBL and
technology; tutor's role in a tutorial session; assessment in PBL;
PBL and preparation of teachers in specific disciplines (e.g. science,
math). The workshops will be delivered in Portuguese, Spanish or
English, with no simultaneous translation service.
Discussion and thematic
network sessions
Discussion panels will
focus on specific topics concerning PBL or active learning methods,
defined by the organizing committee. Each session will last 30/60
minutes, and will be held over the lunch breaks and other times
in the conference program. There will be no simultaneous translation
service, and will function in a multilingual basis. Following the
discussion sessions, the last day will be organized as a thematic
network session, designed to foster the construction of international
research networks on specific topics such as PBL in resource-restricted
environments; PBL and Paulo Freire's work; PBL and distance learning;
teaching and learning in PBL and Active Learning Methodologies;
PBL and technology; assessment in PBL; PBL and preparation of teachers
in specific disciplines; theoretical studies on PBL and active learning
methodologies; PBL and engineering or medical or business education;
Research and Experiences
Paper presentations
Individual paper presentations
will report research and/or the implementation and application of
PBL or Active Learning Methods in higher or basic education, considering
the specific tracks of the Conference: Health and Medicine; Social
Sciences and Humanities; Engineering and Applied Sciences; and Teaching
Education and Professional Development.
Interactive Poster presentations
Poster sessions will be
organized in an interactive format to consider research and/or the
implementation and application of PBL or Active Learning Method
in higher or basic education, with 6 posters in each session, 60-minutes
long. Each presenter will have 5 minutes to explain his/her work
to the audience. Thirty minutes will be reserved for questions and
Post conference Authentic
PBL Experiences
Offered in different Brazilian
cities, specific institutions will propose Authentic PBL workshops.
Guided activities will be designed to develop the knowledge about
Brazilian society, culture and reality and the connection with environmental,
health, business, leisure and social issues. They will be held on
February 12th in cities including Rio de Janeiro, Recife, Marilia,
Manaus, and will be presented in Spanish or English. Each of these
PBL experiences will require a minimum of 10 people to be registered.
The cost of these experiences will be added to the registration
fee of the conference and will vary in terms of transportation,
lodgings and food.
- attendance to every activity
during the Conference;
- an opening ceremony cocktail;
- 3 lunches and
6 coffee-breaks;
- Conference proceedings.
. |
BIRD Before 16th of October/2009 |
Advanced Before
16th of January/2010 |
On-site |
Professional |
. |
. |
. |
Tier 1*
High-income economies
R$750 |
R$875 |
R$1.000 |
Middle-income economies
R$350 |
R$450 |
R$550 |
Tier 3*
Low-income economies
R$250 |
R$375 |
R$500 |
Students and Basic Education teachers |
R$150 |
R$200 |
R$300 |
World Bank Classifications (High / Middle / Low-income economies)
Not including attendance to "Pre
and Post-conference workshops".