NEW - Preconference Workshops
The program of the PBL2010 International Conference
is available. Click here.
The opening keynote address will be delivered by Lee Shulman, former president of the Carnegie Foundation and professor emeritus at Stanford University, on February 8th at 8:00 p.m. in the Azul Auditorium at the EACH-USP Leste (The Conference venue). Dr. Shulman is internationally recognized for his innovative approaches to college teaching and is a highly sought after speaker. The last activity of the Congress will be on the afternoon of February 11th.
The program will consist of workshops and presentations on different aspects of problem-based learning that will be of interest to all teachers. In addition, some presentations will target the conference’s four areas of knowledge:
- Health and Medicine
- Social Sciences and Humanities
- Engineering and Applied Sciences
- Teacher Education and Professional Development
The format of the sessions include plenary lectures; pre-conference workshops; invited symposia and submitted symposia; Invited Workshops and submitted workshops, discussion sessions and thematic networks; presentation of research and classroom experiences; and interactive poster presentations.
Click here to see a list of some of the confirmed participants.
Click here to see a list of some workshops and Symposia that will be presented in the PBL2010.
Some participants confirmed:
Afira Vianna Ripper (Unicamp)
Ana Lúcia Gazolla (UFMG)
Antoni Font (Universidad de Barcelona)
Carlos Vogt (Secretário de Ensino Superior de SP)
Christine OLeary (Sheffield Hallam University)
Clélia Brandão Craveiro (UCG, CNE- Conselho Nacional de Educação)
David Chapman (Samford University, USA)
Deborah Andrews (University of Delaware)
Egon Moesby (Aalborg University)
Fernando Menezes (IMIP)
George Watson (University of Delaware, USA)
George Shiflet (Wofford College)
Gilberto Schleiniger (University of Delaware, USA)
Glen O’Grady (Polytechnic of Singapore)
Helene Metcalfe (Edith Cowan University, Austrália)
Hortensia Jiménez Díaz (Tecnológico de Monterrey)
Inês Signorini (Unicamp)
Joan Rué (Universidad Autônoma de Barcelona)
John Lewis (The University of Hull)
Jordan Rose (Emory University)
José Carlos Libâneo (UCG)
Lee Shulman (USA)
Luis Bretel (Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas)
Iris Mujica (McMaster University)
Mara Regina Lemes de Sordi (Unicamp)
Manoel Oriosvaldo de Moura Moura (USP)
Maria Paula Dallari Bucci (USP, MEC)
Martin Kimmel (University of Applied Sciences, Wien)
Matthew J. Robinson (University of Delaware)
Menga Ludke (PUC-Rio)
Milton Arruda (USP)
Ming-kai Chin (University of Northern Iowa, USA)
Miquel Martinez (Universidad de Barcelona)
Moacélio V. Silva Filho (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz)
Myriam Krasilchik (USP)
Monica Taylor (England)
Oswaldo Massambani (USP)
Palle Qvist (Aalborg University)
Patricia Marsteller (Emory University, USA)
Peter Bouhuijs (Maaastricht University, Netherlands)
Reinhold Steinbeck (Stanford University)
Roberto Rotondaro (USP)
Silvio Sawaya (USP)
Sonia Penin (USP)
Stewart Mennin (University of New Mexico)
PBL2010 - Some workshops and Symposiums
Implementing PBL: why is it so hard?
Peter Bouhuys (Maastricht University) and Scott Obenshain (University of New Mexico)
Designing and delivering collaborative interdisciplinary science courses in the 21st century
George Watson (University of Delaware)
Aprendizaje cooperativo
Luis Bretel (Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas)
Designing problems for motivation and engagement in the PBL Classroom
David Chapman (Samford University)
Using PBL in a Masters Degree course to improve the development of Professional engineers.
William Glew (Kingston University)
Problem Based Learning in Psychiatry and Psychology
Norbert Skokauskas (Trinity College, Dublin)
Introduccion de la idea de probabilidad mediante actividades colaborativas en la educacion superior
Augusta Osorio Gonzales, Felícita Doris Miranda Huaynalaya (PUCPeru)
Strategies for Improving Student Groups through the Use of Collaborative Strategies
Mark Serva (University of Delaware)
What Can We Learn About How Students Engage with Assessment Feedback in Problem-Based learning?
Kiefer Lee (Sheffield Hallam University)
Creating Problem Based Curriculum
John Mergendoller (Buck Institute for Education)
Montagem de embrião com papel dobradura como recurso educacional na aprendizagem ativa da embriologia humana
Maria Angélica Spadella. Maria Dalva Cesario, Ana Paula Manzatto, Danilo Patini de Souza (FAMEMA)
Anamorfose Prática
Claudemilson Santos, Cíntia D. Correia Figueiredo, Priscila Oyan Sotto, Fernanda Andrade da Costa (UNESP)
Exercício de Avaliação da Prática Profissional: avaliando competência através da observação do desempenho do estudante
Cleber José Mazzoni, Luzmarina Aparecida Doretto Braccialli, Magali Aparecida Alves de Moraes, Maria Cristina Guimarães da Costa (Famema).
Estrategias didácticas activas y colaborativas en escenarios ABP
Carlos Fernando Vega Barona (Universidad Autónoma de Occidente)
Survival Skills for Tutors and Course Planners: How to Map out the Learning Process for Students in a PBL Course
Iris Mujica, Olive Wahoush (McMaster University)
Introducing PBL to K-12 and Undergraduate Educators
Patricia Marsteller, Jordan Rose, Molly Embree (Emory University)
PBL in an At-risk Middle School Science Classroom
Dericka DeLoney (Emory University)
Software gratuitos para crear paginas web y rubricas
Elfriede Victoria Inga Huamán (Peru)
O Uso de atividades didáticas baseadas em analogias nas aulas de biologia do ensino médio
Ingrid Pereira Piccini, Larissa Zancan Rodrigues, Eduardo A. Terrazzan (Ufsm)
Percepção espacial: corpo, som e desenho
Laura Pronsato (UFV)
Connecting Problem-Based Learning in a Standard-Based Classroom
Eleanor Lovelace (Emory University)
Using Models and Simulations in the Classroom from a Mathematical Biological Perspective
Gilberto Schleiniger, Prasad Dhurjati (University of Delaware)
Ferramentas para a Inovação Sistemática
Oswaldo Massambani (USP), Marcos Aurélio (UTFPar), Roberto Rotondaro (USP), José Terra (TerraForum), Paulo Rogério Correia (USP).
Aprendizaje Autónomo
Joan Rué e Antoni Font (Universidad de Barcelona)
Políticas Públicas para o ensino superior
Myriam Krasilchik (USP), Ana Lúcia Gazolla (UFMG), Clélia Brandão (UCG, CNE).
Prácticas de aprendizaje servicio (APS) y aprendizaje basado en la solución de problemas orientados a la formación en ciudadanía activa en la universidad
Miquel Martinez (U. Barcelona, Espanha), Mercedes Oraison (Universidad del Nordeste, Argentina), Patrícia Junqueira Grandino (USP Leste, Brasil).
REMCI. Red Latinoamericana de Educación Moral y Ciudadana
Monica Taylor (England), José Alberto Mesa (Colômbia), Ulisses Araujo (Brasil), Mercedes Oraison (Argentina).
Tecendo novos territórios pedagógicos
Afira Vianna Ripper, Durival José Gasparoto (Unicamp, Brasil)
Projetos bem sucedidos de Educação Moral: em busca de experiências brasileiras
Maria Suzana Menin (UNESP), Patrícia Bataglia (Uniban), Valéria Arantes (USP), Raul Aragão Martins (UNESP).
O significado da avaliação em metodologias ativas de ensino e aprendizagem
Maria de Lourdes Marmorato Botta Hafner, Cassia Galli Hamamoto, Maria Cristina Guimarães da Costa, Silvia Franco da Rocha Tonhom, Anete Maria Francisco (Famema).
O ser humano em sua dimensão biológica: Metodologias ativas de ensino e avaliação na graduação em saúde em um contexto interprofissional.
Alexandre Valotta da Silva, Odair Aguiar Junior, Isabel Cristina Céspedes (UNIFESP)
O trabalho com problemas investigativos nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental: observações da prática por um grupo de professoras
Lucia Helena Sasseron, Maria Helena Bertolini Bezerra, Sirleine Brandão de Souza, Maria Nizete Azevedo (USP, Brasil)
Desafios na implementação do curso de Engenharia Biomédica em ABP na PUC-SP
Ana Lúcia Manrique, Ely Antonio Tadeu Dirani, Luiz Carlos de Campos (PUCSP).
Pedagogias ativas e formação de professores
Joan Rué (U. Barcelona), José Carlos Libâneo (U. Católica de Goiás), Maria Isabel Almeida (USP), Maria Amélia S. Franco (U. Católica de Santos).
Pre-conference Workshops
The PBL2010 is offering pre-conference workshops, in order to introduce and deepen knowledge about Problem-Based Learning and other Active Learning Methods.
This activity is optional, has a limited number of places and there will be no simultaneous translation.
Location: USP LESTE
Day: February 8
Time: 2 PM to 6 PM
Cost of the workshop: Free for the registered PBL2010 participants.
To register you must fill out the Workshop Interest Form, and return it completed and signed to the To access the form, click here.
Workshops being offered
Creating Community in the PBL Classroom
David Chapman (Samford University)
The PBL classroom requires students to move from passive consumers of knowledge to active participants in knowledge making. This session will provide experience in using a variety of methods to create classroom communities and to extend the classroom into the community, including problem-solving scenarios, video, scientific instruments, and visualization activities. Workshop will use a “hands on” approach to using these methods. We will also discuss ways to facilitate the development of community in the classroom and to cope with students who resist such interactions.
Taking PBL to School
Patricia A. Marsteller, Jordan Rose (Emory University)
The primary goals of Problems and Research to Integrate Science and Mathematics (PRISM) are to transform K-16 science education by: 1) enhancing the teaching, communication, and research-dissemination skills of future faculty; 2) building sustainable university-community partnerships in which Emory students can be engaged; 3) enhancing teacher content knowledge and pedagogy skills; and 4) providing teachers and graduate students with opportunities and skills to take leadership roles in producing knowledge about pedagogical practice and to act as change agents within the K-16 educational system. In this workshop, we will introduce the PBL immersion case, present the syllabus and materials used to teach PBL case writing, and example cases from science, mathematics and PBL across the curriculum units.
Faculty development formats to introduce teachers to PBL
Peter Bouhuys (Maastricht University) and Hortensia Jiménez Díaz (Tecnológico de Monterrey)
PBL is a complex educational strategy. In order to implement this approach both faculty and students need preparation in order to be successful. In this workshop various formats will be demonstrated and participants are invited to develop their own ideas on how to introduce PBL to teachers.
Innovative Tools and Techniques to Enhance Creativity in your PBL Program: Connecting Design Thinking with Teaching and Learning
Reinhold Steinbeck (Stanford University), Dan Gilbert (Omaha Science Media Project)
Building on the work of globally distributed and place-based learning teams at Stanford University, participants in this workshop will learn about "Design Thinking", a user-centered and team-based approach to developing innovative ideas. We will gain hands-on experience with tools and techniques that teaching teams and students can use to build creative confidence. Participants will also generate specific ideas to implement in their PBL courses and programs at their home institutions.
Resolução de Problemas e pedagogia de projetos: a experiência da USP Leste
Ulisses F. Araújo, Ricardo Ricci Uvinha e Diamantino Pereira (USP Leste)
A USP Leste, ao aliar os processos de ensino e de aprendizagem baseados em PBL (ABP) à Pedagogia de Projetos, por meio da criação de um espaço obrigatório no currículo de seus 10 cursos de graduação, busca criar um ambiente acadêmico rico e inovador, que atenda aos anseios e interesses de seus estudantes e da sociedade em geral. Este workshop fará com que os participantes experienciem processos semelhantes aos vividos pelos estudantes da USP Leste em projetos de resolução de problemas vinculados às comunidades do entorno da universidade.
Assessment in Problem-based learning
Glen O’Grady (Republic Polytechnic de Singapore)
PBL as both an educational philosophy and a pedagogical practice demands a different approach to assessment than what is commonly practiced in schools and Universities. This workshop explores the use of “holistic assessment” in measuring and fostering learning in PBL. The workshop will be made up of six activities that aim to help participants:
· Understand the critical role assessment plays in PBL.
· Become aware of methods of assessment that can be used n PBL.
· How to formulate grades (and other feedback) in a manner that is consistent with the philosophy of PBL.
The Group from Hell: Strategies for Resolving Conflicts in PBL Groups
George Watson e Mark Serva (University of Delaware)
When students work together in PBL groups, conflict is inevitable, even when the course instructor has given careful attention to establishing groups and monitoring their function. While conflict can be beneficial to group function, too often it results in poor performance, frustration with the PBL process, and stress (for both students and instructors).
In this highly interactive session, we will use case studies, written by experienced PBL faculty about real occurrences of group conflict in their classrooms, to launch discussion and analysis of strategies that people use to interact with one another in groups, and how these can lead to conflict. Participants will work together to brainstorm ‘win-win’ type resolutions for these conflict scenarios.