Problem Based Learning
(PBL) is an approach to learning that is increasingly spreading
around the world in both higher and secondary education. Learning
is triggered by a problem in PBL; that is, the problem comes first.
The problems that are presented in a PBL context are real-world
problems, complex, challenging, and designed by the teacher according
to the specific learning outcomes to be achieved.
From the outline of the
original problem all the way to its solution, students work actively
and collaboratively in small groups, guided and facilitated by the
instructor. Students in a PBL classroom have a hands-on opportunity
to grasp the benefits of working cooperatively and engaging in their
own learning processes. During this learning experience, students
not only acquire the knowledge related to the subject area, but
also develop and practice skills, as well as observe and reflect
about the attitudes and values - highly valued objectives in an
effective learning environment.
PBL around the World
Documents in Portuguese
Documents in Spanish
Documents in English